Kaydet (Commit) 36e0acff authored tarafından Stephan Bergmann's avatar Stephan Bergmann

Another workaround for "xargs: environment is too large for exec" errors

...on Windows, similar to df9edbcd "Work around
'xargs: environment is too large for exec' errors on Windows"

Change-Id: Ibc23960bbe2b8001eb7e08ed4cff12e4726df01b
üst cd4dd4f7
......@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ $(dir $(call gb_Package_get_target,%))%/.dir :
$(call gb_Package_get_clean_target,%) :
$(call gb_Output_announce,$*,$(false),PKG,2)
RESPONSEFILE=$(call var2file,$(shell $(gb_MKTEMP)),500,$(FILES)) \
&& cat $${RESPONSEFILE} | xargs $(if $(filter MACOSX,$(OS_FOR_BUILD)),-n 1000) rm -f \
&& cat $${RESPONSEFILE} | $(if $(filter WNT,$(OS)),env -i PATH="$$PATH") xargs $(if $(filter MACOSX,$(OS_FOR_BUILD)),-n 1000) rm -f \
&& rm -f $${RESPONSEFILE}
$(call gb_Package_get_preparation_target,%) :
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