Kaydet (Commit) 34dff8df authored tarafından Mark Hung's avatar Mark Hung

tdf#73547 fix ooxml export / import custom dashes.

Fix import logic as well as arithmatic precion of both import
and export.

Change-Id: I97e9bde847e0a2425421af2f2175d4d0b7af0cab
Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/59306
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: 's avatarMark Hung <marklh9@gmail.com>
üst 80d6cba4
......@@ -55,11 +55,8 @@ void lclSetDashData( LineDash& orLineDash, sal_Int16 nDots, sal_Int32 nDotLen,
/** Converts the specified preset dash to API dash.
Line length and dot length are set relative to line width and have to be
multiplied by the actual line width after this function.
void lclConvertPresetDash( LineDash& orLineDash, sal_Int32 nPresetDash )
void lclConvertPresetDash(LineDash& orLineDash, sal_Int32 nPresetDash, sal_Int32 nLineWidth)
switch( nPresetDash )
......@@ -80,54 +77,41 @@ void lclConvertPresetDash( LineDash& orLineDash, sal_Int32 nPresetDash )
OSL_FAIL( "lclConvertPresetDash - unsupported preset dash" );
lclSetDashData( orLineDash, 0, 0, 1, 4, 3 );
// convert relative dash/dot length to absolute length
orLineDash.DotLen *= nLineWidth;
orLineDash.DashLen *= nLineWidth;
orLineDash.Distance *= nLineWidth;
/** Converts the passed custom dash to API dash.
Line length and dot length are set relative to line width and have to be
multiplied by the actual line width after this function.
/** Converts the passed custom dash to API dash. rCustomDash should not be empty.
void lclConvertCustomDash( LineDash& orLineDash, const LineProperties::DashStopVector& rCustomDash )
void lclConvertCustomDash(LineDash& orLineDash, const LineProperties::DashStopVector& rCustomDash, sal_Int32 nLineWidth)
if( rCustomDash.empty() )
orLineDash.Dashes = 0;
// Follow the order we export custDash: dashes first.
orLineDash.DashLen = rCustomDash[0].first;
// Also assume dash and dot have the same sp values.
orLineDash.Distance = rCustomDash[0].second;
orLineDash.DotLen = 0;
for(const auto& rIt : rCustomDash)
OSL_FAIL( "lclConvertCustomDash - unexpected empty custom dash" );
lclSetDashData( orLineDash, 0, 0, 1, 4, 3 );
// count dashes and dots (stops equal or less than 2 are assumed to be dots)
sal_Int16 nDots = 0;
sal_Int32 nDotLen = 0;
sal_Int16 nDashes = 0;
sal_Int32 nDashLen = 0;
sal_Int32 nDistance = 0;
sal_Int32 nConvertedLen = 0;
sal_Int32 nConvertedDistance = 0;
for( LineProperties::DashStopVector::const_iterator aIt = rCustomDash.begin(), aEnd = rCustomDash.end(); aIt != aEnd; ++aIt )
// Get from "1000th of percent" ==> percent ==> multiplier
nConvertedLen = aIt->first / 1000 / 100;
nConvertedDistance = aIt->second / 1000 / 100;
// Check if it is a dot (100% = dot)
if( nConvertedLen == 1 )
nDotLen += nConvertedLen;
sal_Int32 nLen = rIt.first;
if (nLen != orLineDash.DashLen)
nDashLen += nConvertedLen;
orLineDash.DotLen = nLen;
nDistance += nConvertedDistance;
orLineDash.DotLen = (nDots > 0) ? ::std::max< sal_Int32 >( nDotLen / nDots, 1 ) : 0;
orLineDash.Dots = nDots;
orLineDash.DashLen = (nDashes > 0) ? ::std::max< sal_Int32 >( nDashLen / nDashes, 1 ) : 0;
orLineDash.Dashes = nDashes;
orLineDash.Distance = ::std::max< sal_Int32 >( nDistance / rCustomDash.size(), 1 );
// TODO: verify the assumption and approximate complex line patterns.
// Assume we only have two types of dash stops, the rest are all dots.
orLineDash.Dots = rCustomDash.size() - orLineDash.Dashes;
orLineDash.DashLen = orLineDash.DashLen / 100000.0 * nLineWidth;
orLineDash.DotLen = orLineDash.DotLen / 100000.0 * nLineWidth;
orLineDash.Distance = orLineDash.Distance / 100000.0 * nLineWidth;
DashStyle lclGetDashStyle( sal_Int32 nToken )
......@@ -386,16 +370,14 @@ void LineProperties::pushToPropMap( ShapePropertyMap& rPropMap,
aLineDash.Style = lclGetDashStyle( moLineCap.get( XML_rnd ) );
// convert preset dash or custom dash
if( moPresetDash.differsFrom( XML_solid ) )
lclConvertPresetDash( aLineDash, moPresetDash.get() );
if(moPresetDash.differsFrom(XML_solid) || maCustomDash.empty())
sal_Int32 nBaseLineWidth = ::std::max<sal_Int32>(nLineWidth, 35);
lclConvertPresetDash(aLineDash, moPresetDash.get(XML_dash), nBaseLineWidth);
lclConvertCustomDash( aLineDash, maCustomDash );
lclConvertCustomDash(aLineDash, maCustomDash, nLineWidth);
// convert relative dash/dot length to absolute length
sal_Int32 nBaseLineWidth = ::std::max< sal_Int32 >( nLineWidth, 35 );
aLineDash.DotLen *= nBaseLineWidth;
aLineDash.DashLen *= nBaseLineWidth;
aLineDash.Distance *= nBaseLineWidth;
if( rPropMap.setProperty( ShapeProperty::LineDash, aLineDash ) )
eLineStyle = drawing::LineStyle_DASH;
......@@ -738,23 +738,26 @@ void DrawingML::WriteOutline( const Reference<XPropertySet>& rXPropSet )
// Write 'dashes' first, and then 'dots'
int i;
sal_Int32 nSp = aLineDash.Distance * 100 / nLineWidth;
if ( aLineDash.Dashes > 0 )
sal_Int32 nD = aLineDash.DashLen * 100 / nLineWidth;
for( i = 0; i < aLineDash.Dashes; i ++ )
mpFS->singleElementNS( XML_a , XML_ds,
XML_d , write1000thOfAPercent( aLineDash.DashLen > 0 ? aLineDash.DashLen / nLineWidth * 100 : 100 ),
XML_sp, write1000thOfAPercent( aLineDash.Distance > 0 ? aLineDash.Distance / nLineWidth * 100 : 100 ),
XML_d , write1000thOfAPercent(nD),
XML_sp, write1000thOfAPercent(nSp),
if ( aLineDash.Dots > 0 )
sal_Int32 nD = aLineDash.DotLen * 100 / nLineWidth;
for( i = 0; i < aLineDash.Dots; i ++ )
mpFS->singleElementNS( XML_a, XML_ds,
XML_d , write1000thOfAPercent( aLineDash.DotLen > 0 ? aLineDash.DotLen / nLineWidth * 100 : 100 ),
XML_sp, write1000thOfAPercent( aLineDash.Distance > 0 ? aLineDash.Distance / nLineWidth * 100 : 100 ),
XML_d , write1000thOfAPercent(nD),
XML_sp, write1000thOfAPercent(nSp),
......@@ -766,6 +766,17 @@ DECLARE_OOXMLEXPORT_TEST(testWatermarkTrim, "tdf114308.docx")
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE(ss.str(), nDifference >= -4);
DECLARE_OOXMLEXPORT_TEST(testTdf73547, "tdf73547-dash.docx")
xmlDocPtr pXmlDoc = parseExport("word/document.xml");
if (!pXmlDoc)
double nD = getXPath(pXmlDoc, "//a:custDash/a:ds[1]", "d").toDouble();
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(105000.0, nD, 5000.0); // was 100000
double nSp = getXPath(pXmlDoc, "//a:custDash/a:ds[1]", "sp").toDouble();
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(35000.0, nSp, 5000.0); // was 100000
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