Kaydet (Commit) 3442b004 authored tarafından Tor Lillqvist's avatar Tor Lillqvist

Now that we build NSS, we can build libxmlsec and libxsec_xmlsec for iOS, too

Change-Id: I65ab8aad0744a2aa254fefc7732cd8130bb249fb
üst 323142c6
......@@ -3226,7 +3226,7 @@ endif # GUIBASE=unx
ifeq (,$(filter DESKTOP,$(BUILD_TYPE)))
ifeq ($(OS),ANDROID)
......@@ -42,6 +42,11 @@ ANDROID)
oslibs="$oslibs $WORKDIR/UnpackedTarball/xmlsec/src/.libs/*.a"
oslibs="$oslibs $WORKDIR/UnpackedTarball/xmlsec/src/nss/.libs/*.a"
# Unfortunately NSS's build mechanism copies each static archive
# it constructs to another place, but we don't bother filtering
# out duplicates, it shouldn't hurt.
nsslibs=`find $WORKDIR/UnpackedTarball/nss -name 'lib*.a'`
......@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ else
$(call gb_ExternalProject_get_state_target,xmlsec,build) :
$(call gb_ExternalProject_run,build,\
$(if $(filter MACOSX,$(OS)),ACLOCAL="aclocal -I $(SRCDIR)/m4/mac") \
$(if $(filter IOS MACOSX,$(OS)),ACLOCAL="aclocal -I $(SRCDIR)/m4/mac") \
$(if $(filter AIX,$(OS)),ACLOCAL="aclocal -I /opt/freeware/share/aclocal") \
autoreconf \
&& ./configure \
......@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
$(eval $(call gb_Module_Module,libxmlsec))
ifneq ($(filter-out ANDROID IOS,$(OS)),)
ifneq ($(filter-out ANDROID,$(OS)),)
$(eval $(call gb_Module_add_targets,libxmlsec,\
UnpackedTarball_xmlsec \
ExternalPackage_xmlsec \
......@@ -110,6 +110,8 @@ $(eval $(call gb_Rdb_add_components,services,\
xmlscript/util/xmlscript \
xmlsecurity/util/xmlsecurity \
xmlsecurity/util/xsec_fw \
$(if $(filter-out ANDROID,$(OS)), \
xmlsecurity/util/xsec_xmlsec$(if $(filter WNT,$(OS)),.windows)) \
$(if $(ENABLE_COINMP), \
sccomp/source/solver/coinmpsolver \
) \
......@@ -330,7 +332,6 @@ $(eval $(call gb_Rdb_add_components,services,\
extensions/source/scanner/scn \
extensions/source/update/feed/updatefeed \
xmlhelp/util/ucpchelp1 \
xmlsecurity/util/xsec_xmlsec$(if $(filter WNT,$(OS)),.windows) \
$(if $(filter-out WNT,$(OS)),\
shell/source/cmdmail/cmdmail \
) \
......@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ core_factory_list = [
("libutllo.a", "utl_component_getFactory"),
("libxmlsecurity.a", "xmlsecurity_component_getFactory"),
("libxolo.a", "xo_component_getFactory"),
("libxsec_xmlsec.a", "xsec_xmlsec_component_getFactory"),
("libxstor.a", "xstor_component_getFactory"),
......@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ $(eval $(call gb_Module_Module,xmlsecurity))
$(eval $(call gb_Module_add_targets,xmlsecurity,\
Library_xmlsecurity \
Library_xsec_fw \
$(if $(filter-out IOS ANDROID,$(OS)),Library_xsec_xmlsec) \
$(if $(filter-out ANDROID,$(OS)),Library_xsec_xmlsec) \
$(eval $(call gb_Module_add_l10n_targets,xmlsecurity,\
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