Kaydet (Commit) 33e80611 authored tarafından Noel Grandin's avatar Noel Grandin

remove unused SubsFontFlags flags

and document in the registry that the SubstFontsPS is unused

Change-Id: I66a9e0b4353f17b34cffb02823726c9887b7bdd3
Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/64065
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: 's avatarNoel Grandin <noel.grandin@collabora.co.uk>
üst 11fc3b52
......@@ -580,10 +580,6 @@ include/unotools/fontcfg.hxx:85
enum ImplFontAttrs AllSubscript
enum ImplFontAttrs AllSerifStyle
enum SubsFontFlags PS
enum SubsFontFlags HTML
enum DefaultFontType LATIN_DISPLAY
......@@ -129,8 +129,6 @@ struct UNOTOOLS_DLLPUBLIC FontNameAttr
OUString Name;
::std::vector< OUString > Substitutions;
::std::vector< OUString > MSSubstitutions;
::std::vector< OUString > PSSubstitutions;
::std::vector< OUString > HTMLSubstitutions;
FontWeight Weight;
FontWidth Width;
ImplFontAttrs Type;
......@@ -27,14 +27,12 @@
enum class SubsFontFlags
ONLYONE = 0x01,
MS = 0x02,
PS = 0x04,
HTML = 0x08,
MS = 0x02
namespace o3tl
template<> struct typed_flags<SubsFontFlags> : is_typed_flags<SubsFontFlags, 0x0f> {};
template<> struct typed_flags<SubsFontFlags> : is_typed_flags<SubsFontFlags, 0x03> {};
UNOTOOLS_DLLPUBLIC OUString GetSubsFontName( const OUString& rName, SubsFontFlags nFlags );
......@@ -38,12 +38,12 @@
<prop oor:name="SubstFontsPS" oor:type="xs:string">
<desc>Contains a list of substitute fonts used in a PostScript context (for example, EPS export).</desc>
<desc>Unused. Used to contain a list of substitute fonts used in a PostScript context (for example, EPS export).</desc>
<prop oor:name="SubstFontsHTML" oor:type="xs:string">
<desc>Contains a list of substitute fonts used in a HTML context (for example, HTML import/export).</desc>
<desc>Unused. Used to contain a list of substitute fonts used in a HTML context (for example, HTML import/export).</desc>
<prop oor:name="FontWeight" oor:type="xs:string">
......@@ -1002,8 +1002,6 @@ void FontSubstConfiguration::readLocaleSubst( const OUString& rBcp47 ) const
// strings for subst retrieval, construct only once
OUString const aSubstFontsStr ( "SubstFonts" );
OUString const aSubstFontsMSStr ( "SubstFontsMS" );
OUString const aSubstFontsPSStr ( "SubstFontsPS" );
OUString const aSubstFontsHTMLStr ( "SubstFontsHTML" );
OUString const aSubstWeightStr ( "FontWeight" );
OUString const aSubstWidthStr ( "FontWidth" );
OUString const aSubstTypeStr ( "FontType" );
......@@ -1032,8 +1030,6 @@ void FontSubstConfiguration::readLocaleSubst( const OUString& rBcp47 ) const
aAttr.Name = pFontNames[i];
fillSubstVector( xFont, aSubstFontsStr, aAttr.Substitutions );
fillSubstVector( xFont, aSubstFontsMSStr, aAttr.MSSubstitutions );
fillSubstVector( xFont, aSubstFontsPSStr, aAttr.PSSubstitutions );
fillSubstVector( xFont, aSubstFontsHTMLStr, aAttr.HTMLSubstitutions );
aAttr.Weight = getSubstWeight( xFont, aSubstWeightStr );
aAttr.Width = getSubstWidth( xFont, aSubstWidthStr );
aAttr.Type = getSubstType( xFont, aSubstTypeStr );
......@@ -529,37 +529,18 @@ OUString GetSubsFontName( const OUString& rName, SubsFontFlags nFlags )
const utl::FontNameAttr* pAttr = utl::FontSubstConfiguration::get().getSubstInfo( aOrgName );
if ( pAttr )
for( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
const ::std::vector< OUString >* pVector = nullptr;
switch( i )
if( nFlags & SubsFontFlags::MS && !pAttr->MSSubstitutions.empty() )
case 0:
if( nFlags & SubsFontFlags::MS && !pAttr->MSSubstitutions.empty() )
pVector = &pAttr->MSSubstitutions;
case 1:
if( nFlags & SubsFontFlags::PS && !pAttr->PSSubstitutions.empty() )
pVector = &pAttr->PSSubstitutions;
case 2:
if( nFlags & SubsFontFlags::HTML && !pAttr->HTMLSubstitutions.empty() )
pVector = &pAttr->HTMLSubstitutions;
if( ! pVector )
for( const auto& rSubstitution : *pVector )
if( ! ImplIsFontToken( rName, rSubstitution ) )
ImplAppendFontToken( aName, rSubstitution );
if( nFlags & SubsFontFlags::ONLYONE )
for( const auto& rSubstitution : pAttr->MSSubstitutions )
if( ! ImplIsFontToken( rName, rSubstitution ) )
i = 4;
ImplAppendFontToken( aName, rSubstitution );
if( nFlags & SubsFontFlags::ONLYONE )
return aName;
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