Kaydet (Commit) 2f1c0be4 authored tarafından David Tardon's avatar David Tardon

avoid string substr/replace with invalid pos

Change-Id: Iceb9851bcb5e6fe66efd701fcb31e16596fe8b5a
üst fba47cde
......@@ -95,7 +95,9 @@ void HelpCompiler::saveXhpForJar( xmlDocPtr doc, const fs::path &filePath )
const std::string& sourceXhpPath = filePath.native_file_string();
std::string zipdirPath = zipdir.native_file_string();
std::string jarXhpPath = sourceXhpPath.substr( sourceXhpPath.rfind( lang + pathSep + "text" + pathSep ) ).substr( lang.length() );
const std::string srcdirPath( src.native_file_string() );
// srcdirPath contains trailing /, but we want the file path with / at the beginning
std::string jarXhpPath = sourceXhpPath.substr( srcdirPath.length() - 1 );
std::string xhpFileName = jarXhpPath.substr( jarXhpPath.rfind( pathSep ) + 1 );
jarXhpPath = jarXhpPath.substr( 0, jarXhpPath.rfind( pathSep ) );
if ( !jarXhpPath.compare( 1, 11, "text" + pathSep + "sbasic" ) )
......@@ -104,8 +106,9 @@ void HelpCompiler::saveXhpForJar( xmlDocPtr doc, const fs::path &filePath )
if ( !jarXhpPath.compare( 1, 11, "text" + pathSep + "shared" ) )
size_t pos = zipdirPath.find( "ziptmp" ) + 6;
zipdirPath.replace( pos, module.length(), "shared" );
const size_t pos = zipdirPath.find( "ziptmp" );
if ( pos != std::string::npos )
zipdirPath.replace( pos + 6, module.length(), "shared" );
xmlDocPtr compacted = compactXhpForJar( doc );
fs::create_directory( fs::path( zipdirPath + jarXhpPath, fs::native ) );
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