Kaydet (Commit) 2e36b1e0 authored tarafından Caolán McNamara's avatar Caolán McNamara

ofz various timeouts in ww8fuzzer

Change-Id: Id633b031d2856dab49bbedc6faf45670a3762c51
Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/42801Tested-by: 's avatarJenkins <ci@libreoffice.org>
Reviewed-by: 's avatarCaolán McNamara <caolanm@redhat.com>
Tested-by: 's avatarCaolán McNamara <caolanm@redhat.com>
üst 09f0194a
......@@ -4005,7 +4005,8 @@ void WW8RStyle::Import1Style( sal_uInt16 nNr )
if ( !xStd || sName.isEmpty() || ((1 != xStd->sgc) && (2 != xStd->sgc)) )
pStStrm->SeekRel( nSkip );
nSkip = std::min<sal_uInt64>(nSkip, pStStrm->remainingSize());
pStStrm->Seek(pStStrm->Tell() + nSkip);
......@@ -4100,7 +4101,8 @@ void WW8RStyle::ScanStyles() // investigate style dependencies
rSI = SwWW8StyInf();
pStStrm->SeekRel( nSkip ); // skip Names and Sprms
nSkip = std::min<sal_uInt64>(nSkip, pStStrm->remainingSize());
pStStrm->Seek(pStStrm->Tell() + nSkip); // skip Names and Sprms
......@@ -961,7 +961,7 @@ long SwWW8ImplReader::Read_Field(WW8PLCFManResult* pRes)
{ // read field
long nOldPos = m_pStrm->Tell();
auto nOldPos = m_pStrm->Tell();
OUString aStr;
if ( aF.nId == 6 && aF.bCodeNest )
......@@ -983,7 +983,7 @@ long SwWW8ImplReader::Read_Field(WW8PLCFManResult* pRes)
eF_ResT eRes = (this->*aWW8FieldTab[aF.nId])( &aF, aStr );
m_pStrm->Seek( nOldPos );
switch ( eRes )
......@@ -1541,7 +1541,10 @@ WW8PLCFpcd* WW8ScannerBase::OpenPieceTable( SvStream* pStr, const WW8Fib* pWwF )
m_aPieceGrpprls.push_back(p); // add to array
pStr->SeekRel( nLen ); // non-Grpprl left
nLen = std::min<sal_uInt64>(nLen, pStr->remainingSize());
pStr->Seek(pStr->Tell() + nLen); // non-Grpprl left
// read Piece Table PLCF
......@@ -1845,6 +1848,12 @@ static bool WW8GetFieldPara(WW8PLCFspecial& rPLCF, WW8FieldDesc& rF)
rF.nLen = rF.nSRes - rF.nSCode + 2; // total length
if (rF.nLen < 0)
rF.nLen = 0;
goto Err;
if((static_cast<sal_uInt8*>(pData)[0] & 0x1f ) == 0x15 )
......@@ -6583,7 +6592,7 @@ WW8_STD* WW8Style::Read1STDFixed(sal_uInt16& rSkip)
WW8_STD* pStd = nullptr;
sal_uInt16 cbStd(0);
rSt.ReadUInt16( cbStd ); // read length
rSt.ReadUInt16(cbStd); // read length
const sal_uInt16 nRead = cbSTDBaseInFile;
if( cbStd >= cbSTDBaseInFile )
......@@ -6628,14 +6637,20 @@ WW8_STD* WW8Style::Read1STDFixed(sal_uInt16& rSkip)
pStd->fAutoRedef = a16Bit & 0x0001 ;
pStd->fHidden = ( a16Bit & 0x0002 ) >> 1;
// You never know: cautionary skipped
if( 10 < nRead )
rSt.SeekRel( nRead-10 );
if (nRead > 10)
auto nSkip = std::min<sal_uInt64>(nRead - 10, rSt.remainingSize());
rSt.Seek(rSt.Tell() + nSkip);
while( false ); // trick: the block above will passed through exactly one time
// and can be left early with a "break"
if( (ERRCODE_NONE != rSt.GetError()) || !nRead )
DELETEZ( pStd ); // report error with NULL
if (!rSt.good() || !nRead)
delete pStd;
pStd = nullptr; // report error with NULL
rSkip = cbStd - cbSTDBaseInFile;
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