Kaydet (Commit) 29dd0876 authored tarafından Eike Rathke's avatar Eike Rathke

Use LocaleDataWrapper::stringToDouble() in ShadowPropertyPanel, tdf#81671

Change-Id: I3e8f0a4a75c55543a1b6f6e9470cfd7aeb80e603
üst fb5fc825
......@@ -53,10 +53,9 @@ sal_uInt32 ParseText(OUString const & sTmp)
return 0;
const LocaleDataWrapper& rLocaleWrapper( Application::GetSettings().GetLocaleDataWrapper() );
const sal_Unicode cSep = rLocaleWrapper.getNumDecimalSep()[0];
rtl_math_ConversionStatus eStatus;
double fTmp = rtl::math::stringToDouble( sTmp, cSep, 0, &eStatus);
double fTmp = rLocaleWrapper.stringToDouble( sTmp, false, &eStatus, nullptr);
if (eStatus != rtl_math_ConversionStatus_Ok)
return 0;
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