Kaydet (Commit) 278409c3 authored tarafından Stephan Bergmann's avatar Stephan Bergmann

Allow building compilerplugins/clang on Mac OS X

(at least against a self-built Clang configured --enable-keep-symbols)

Change-Id: I6e38688c78f78aca1864530042159cdcef7a0694
üst 0d2c1e64
......@@ -8,6 +8,8 @@
# Make sure variables in this Makefile do not conflict with other variables (e.g. from gbuild).
# You may occassionally want to override some of these
CLANGCXX=$(filter-out -m32 -m64,$(CXX))
......@@ -86,7 +88,9 @@ $(foreach src, $(CLANGSRC), $(eval $(call clangbuildsrc,$(src),$(CLANGINDIR)/$(s
@echo [build LNK] $(subst $(BUILDDIR)/,,$@)
$(QUIET)$(CLANGCXX) -shared $(CLANGOBJS) -o $@
$(QUIET)$(CLANGCXX) -shared $(CLANGOBJS) -o $@ \
$(if $(filter MACOSX,$(OS)),-Wl$(CLANG_COMMA)-flat_namespace \
-Wl$(CLANG_COMMA)-undefined -Wl$(CLANG_COMMA)suppress)
# Clang most probably doesn't maintain binary compatibility, so rebuild when clang changes.
$(CLANGOUTDIR)/clang-timestamp: $(CLANGBUILD)/bin/clang
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