Kaydet (Commit) 26f09844 authored tarafından Tor Lillqvist's avatar Tor Lillqvist

Remove warning that can be ignored

"yeah, makes sense to remove it", says Stephan.

Change-Id: Ife7baa5814a856dca7f0f02ac3cb2521e2980851
üst 66a82c24
......@@ -199,10 +199,6 @@
test="preceding-sibling::value[((not($lang) and not(@xml:lang)) or $lang=@xml:lang) and ((not($module) and not(@install:module)) or $module=@install:module)]">
<xsl:message terminate="yes">ERROR: Property '<xsl:value-of select="$path"/>' has values with matching xml:lang attribute <xsl:value-of select="$lang"/> and inconsistent install:module attributes.</xsl:message>
test="preceding-sibling::value[((not($lang) and not(@xml:lang)) or $lang=@xml:lang) and (($module and not(@install:module)) or (not($module) and @install:module) or $module!=@install:module)]">
<xsl:message>ATTENTION: Property '<xsl:value-of select="$path"/>' has different values for different modules. Make sure the modules are mutually exclusive!</xsl:message>
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