Kaydet (Commit) 240d1f28 authored tarafından László Németh's avatar László Németh

tdf#93957 fix Emoji pattern of horizontal ellipsis

Typing :.: (one ASCII dot between colons) will enter the Unicode
horizontal ellipsis (U+2026: …) instead of the bad :…: (the
requested Unicode character between colons).

Note: the pattern :...: (three ASCII dots between colons) was
originally intended for the horizontal ellipsis, but that
collides with .*... pattern (default in English and in several
other languages, meaning: replace word ending three ASCII dots).

Change-Id: I97632ff81e04ab9e53026da425b82a2541db0eb1
üst 62f489c8
......@@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ en-US = "bullet2"
x-comment = "… (U+02026), see http://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Emoji"
en-US = ""
en-US = "."
x-comment = "‰ (U+02030), see http://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Emoji"
......@@ -987,7 +987,7 @@
<block-list:block block-list:abbreviated-name=":':" block-list:name="’"/>
<block-list:block block-list:abbreviated-name=":\\:" block-list:name="∖"/>
<block-list:block block-list:abbreviated-name=":+-:" block-list:name="±"/>
<block-list:block block-list:abbreviated-name="::" block-list:name="…"/>
<block-list:block block-list:abbreviated-name=":.:" block-list:name="…"/>
<block-list:block block-list:abbreviated-name=":blond hair:" block-list:name="👱"/>
<block-list:block block-list:abbreviated-name=":blossom:" block-list:name="🌼"/>
<block-list:block block-list:abbreviated-name=":blush:" block-list:name="😊"/>
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