Kaydet (Commit) 2274deda authored tarafından Thorsten Behrens's avatar Thorsten Behrens

gpg4libre: import public key payload if initial validation fails

Since maybe we don't know the key yet?

Change-Id: I8b7e3f472d4731d9fb8bb675d81bdad257aa9230
Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/39194Reviewed-by: 's avatarThorsten Behrens <Thorsten.Behrens@CIB.de>
Tested-by: 's avatarThorsten Behrens <Thorsten.Behrens@CIB.de>
üst 72e7cfd7
......@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
#include <key.h>
#include <data.h>
#include <signingresult.h>
#include <importresult.h>
#include "xmlsec/xmldocumentwrapper_xmlsecimpl.hxx"
#include "xmlsec/xmlelementwrapper_xmlsecimpl.hxx"
......@@ -358,17 +359,71 @@ SAL_CALL XMLSignature_GpgImpl::validate(
GpgME::VerificationResult verify_res=rCtx.verifyDetachedSignature(
data_signature, data_text);
// TODO: needs some more error handling, needs checking _all_ signatures
if( verify_res.isNull() ||
verify_res.numSignatures() == 0 ||
verify_res.signature(0).validity() < GpgME::Signature::Full )
return aTemplate;
// let's try again, but this time import the public key payload
// (avoiding that in a first cut for being a bit speedier)
// walk xml tree to PGPData node - go to children, first is
// SignedInfo, 2nd is signaturevalue, 3rd is KeyInfo
// 1st child is PGPData, 1st or 2nd grandchild is PGPKeyPacket
cur = xmlSecGetNextElementNode(pNode->children);
// TODO error handling
cur = xmlSecGetNextElementNode(cur->next);
cur = xmlSecGetNextElementNode(cur->next);
cur = xmlSecGetNextElementNode(cur->children);
// check that this is now PGPData
if(!xmlSecCheckNodeName(cur, xmlSecNodePGPData, xmlSecDSigNs))
throw RuntimeException("The GpgME library failed to initialize for the OpenPGP protocol.");
// check that this is now PGPKeyPacket
cur = xmlSecGetNextElementNode(cur->children);
static const xmlChar xmlSecNodePGPKeyPacket[] = "PGPKeyPacket";
if(!xmlSecCheckNodeName(cur, xmlSecNodePGPKeyPacket, xmlSecDSigNs))
// not this one, maybe the next?
cur = xmlSecGetNextElementNode(cur->next);
if(!xmlSecCheckNodeName(cur, xmlSecNodePGPKeyPacket, xmlSecDSigNs))
// ok, giving up
return aTemplate;
// got a key packet, import & re-validate
xmlChar* pKeyPacket=xmlNodeGetContent(cur);
if(xmlSecBase64Decode(pKeyPacket, reinterpret_cast<xmlSecByte*>(pKeyPacket), xmlStrlen(pKeyPacket)) < 0)
throw RuntimeException("The GpgME library failed to initialize for the OpenPGP protocol.");
GpgME::Data data_key(
xmlStrlen(pKeyPacket), false);
GpgME::ImportResult import_res=rCtx.importKeys(data_key);
// and re-run
verify_res=rCtx.verifyDetachedSignature(data_signature, data_text);
// TODO: needs some more error handling, needs checking _all_ signatures
if( verify_res.isNull() ||
verify_res.numSignatures() == 0 ||
verify_res.signature(0).validity() < GpgME::Signature::Full )
return aTemplate;
// now verify digest for all references
cur = xmlSecGetNextElementNode(pNode->children);
if( cur != nullptr )
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