Kaydet (Commit) 185a1452 authored tarafından Stephan Bergmann's avatar Stephan Bergmann

iRelated rhbz#1618703: Properly handle failure en-/decoding PDF file

...when e.g. FIPS mode makes the various calls to rtl_cipher_initARCFOUR fail.

Change-Id: Id1b2222249c151470e233ab814b21228f3a8b561
Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/59543
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: 's avatarStephan Bergmann <sbergman@redhat.com>
üst 91a70317
......@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
#include "impdialog.hxx"
#include <strings.hrc>
#include <officecfg/Office/Common.hxx>
#include <vcl/errinf.hxx>
#include <vcl/settings.hxx>
#include <vcl/svapp.hxx>
#include <vcl/weld.hxx>
......@@ -1173,6 +1174,15 @@ IMPL_LINK_NOARG(ImpPDFTabSecurityPage, ClickmaPbSetPwdHdl, weld::Button&, void)
mbHaveOwnerPassword = !aOwnerPW.isEmpty();
mxPreparedPasswords = vcl::PDFWriter::InitEncryption( aOwnerPW, aUserPW );
if (!mxPreparedPasswords.is()) {
OUString msg;
ErrorHandler::GetErrorString(ERRCODE_IO_NOTSUPPORTED, msg); //TOOD: handle failure
GetFrameWeld(), VclMessageType::Error, VclButtonsType::Ok, msg))
if( mbHaveOwnerPassword )
......@@ -1157,9 +1157,13 @@ static bool check_user_password( const OString& rPwd, PDFFileImplData* pData )
memset( nEncryptedEntry, 0, sizeof(nEncryptedEntry) );
// see PDF reference 1.4 Algorithm 3.4
// encrypt pad string
rtl_cipher_initARCFOUR( pData->m_aCipher, rtl_Cipher_DirectionEncode,
aKey, nKeyLen,
nullptr, 0 );
if (rtl_cipher_initARCFOUR( pData->m_aCipher, rtl_Cipher_DirectionEncode,
aKey, nKeyLen,
nullptr, 0 )
!= rtl_Cipher_E_None)
return false; //TODO: differentiate "failed to decrypt" from "wrong password"
rtl_cipher_encodeARCFOUR( pData->m_aCipher, nPadString, sizeof( nPadString ),
nEncryptedEntry, sizeof( nEncryptedEntry ) );
bValid = (memcmp( nEncryptedEntry, pData->m_aUEntry, 32 ) == 0);
......@@ -1171,8 +1175,12 @@ static bool check_user_password( const OString& rPwd, PDFFileImplData* pData )
aDigest.update(nPadString, sizeof(nPadString));
aDigest.update(reinterpret_cast<unsigned char const*>(pData->m_aDocID.getStr()), pData->m_aDocID.getLength());
::std::vector<unsigned char> nEncryptedEntry(aDigest.finalize());
rtl_cipher_initARCFOUR( pData->m_aCipher, rtl_Cipher_DirectionEncode,
aKey, sizeof(aKey), nullptr, 0 );
if (rtl_cipher_initARCFOUR( pData->m_aCipher, rtl_Cipher_DirectionEncode,
aKey, sizeof(aKey), nullptr, 0 )
!= rtl_Cipher_E_None)
return false; //TODO: differentiate "failed to decrypt" from "wrong password"
rtl_cipher_encodeARCFOUR( pData->m_aCipher,
nEncryptedEntry.data(), 16,
nEncryptedEntry.data(), 16 ); // encrypt in place
......@@ -1182,8 +1190,12 @@ static bool check_user_password( const OString& rPwd, PDFFileImplData* pData )
for( sal_uInt32 j = 0; j < sizeof(aTempKey); j++ )
aTempKey[j] = static_cast<sal_uInt8>( aKey[j] ^ i );
rtl_cipher_initARCFOUR( pData->m_aCipher, rtl_Cipher_DirectionEncode,
aTempKey, sizeof(aTempKey), nullptr, 0 );
if (rtl_cipher_initARCFOUR( pData->m_aCipher, rtl_Cipher_DirectionEncode,
aTempKey, sizeof(aTempKey), nullptr, 0 )
!= rtl_Cipher_E_None)
return false; //TODO: differentiate "failed to decrypt" from "wrong password"
rtl_cipher_encodeARCFOUR( pData->m_aCipher,
nEncryptedEntry.data(), 16,
nEncryptedEntry.data(), 16 ); // encrypt in place
......@@ -1227,8 +1239,12 @@ bool PDFFile::setupDecryptionData( const OString& rPwd ) const
sal_uInt32 nKeyLen = password_to_key( rPwd, aKey, m_pData.get(), true );
if( m_pData->m_nStandardRevision == 2 )
rtl_cipher_initARCFOUR( m_pData->m_aCipher, rtl_Cipher_DirectionDecode,
aKey, nKeyLen, nullptr, 0 );
if (rtl_cipher_initARCFOUR( m_pData->m_aCipher, rtl_Cipher_DirectionDecode,
aKey, nKeyLen, nullptr, 0 )
!= rtl_Cipher_E_None)
return false; //TODO: differentiate "failed to decrypt" from "wrong password"
rtl_cipher_decodeARCFOUR( m_pData->m_aCipher,
m_pData->m_aOEntry, 32,
nPwd, 32 );
......@@ -1241,8 +1257,12 @@ bool PDFFile::setupDecryptionData( const OString& rPwd ) const
sal_uInt8 nTempKey[ENCRYPTION_KEY_LEN];
for( unsigned int j = 0; j < sizeof(nTempKey); j++ )
nTempKey[j] = sal_uInt8(aKey[j] ^ i);
rtl_cipher_initARCFOUR( m_pData->m_aCipher, rtl_Cipher_DirectionDecode,
nTempKey, nKeyLen, nullptr, 0 );
if (rtl_cipher_initARCFOUR( m_pData->m_aCipher, rtl_Cipher_DirectionDecode,
nTempKey, nKeyLen, nullptr, 0 )
!= rtl_Cipher_E_None)
return false; //TODO: differentiate "failed to decrypt" from "wrong password"
rtl_cipher_decodeARCFOUR( m_pData->m_aCipher,
nPwd, 32,
nPwd, 32 ); // decrypt inplace
......@@ -1407,29 +1407,39 @@ bool PDFWriterImpl::computeODictionaryValue( const sal_uInt8* i_pPaddedOwnerPass
//Step 4, the key is in nMD5Sum
//step 5 already done, data is in i_pPaddedUserPassword
//step 6
rtl_cipher_initARCFOUR( aCipher, rtl_Cipher_DirectionEncode,
nMD5Sum.data(), i_nKeyLength , nullptr, 0 );
// encrypt the user password using the key set above
rtl_cipher_encodeARCFOUR( aCipher, i_pPaddedUserPassword, ENCRYPTED_PWD_SIZE, // the data to be encrypted
&io_rOValue[0], sal_Int32(io_rOValue.size()) ); //encrypted data
//Step 7, only if 128 bit
if( i_nKeyLength == SECUR_128BIT_KEY )
if (rtl_cipher_initARCFOUR( aCipher, rtl_Cipher_DirectionEncode,
nMD5Sum.data(), i_nKeyLength , nullptr, 0 )
== rtl_Cipher_E_None)
sal_uInt32 i, y;
sal_uInt8 nLocalKey[ SECUR_128BIT_KEY ]; // 16 = 128 bit key
for( i = 1; i <= 19; i++ ) // do it 19 times, start with 1
// encrypt the user password using the key set above
rtl_cipher_encodeARCFOUR( aCipher, i_pPaddedUserPassword, ENCRYPTED_PWD_SIZE, // the data to be encrypted
&io_rOValue[0], sal_Int32(io_rOValue.size()) ); //encrypted data
//Step 7, only if 128 bit
if( i_nKeyLength == SECUR_128BIT_KEY )
for( y = 0; y < sizeof( nLocalKey ); y++ )
nLocalKey[y] = static_cast<sal_uInt8>( nMD5Sum[y] ^ i );
sal_uInt32 i, y;
sal_uInt8 nLocalKey[ SECUR_128BIT_KEY ]; // 16 = 128 bit key
rtl_cipher_initARCFOUR( aCipher, rtl_Cipher_DirectionEncode,
nLocalKey, SECUR_128BIT_KEY, nullptr, 0 ); //destination data area, on init can be NULL
rtl_cipher_encodeARCFOUR( aCipher, &io_rOValue[0], sal_Int32(io_rOValue.size()), // the data to be encrypted
&io_rOValue[0], sal_Int32(io_rOValue.size()) ); // encrypted data, can be the same as the input, encrypt "in place"
//step 8, store in class data member
for( i = 1; i <= 19; i++ ) // do it 19 times, start with 1
for( y = 0; y < sizeof( nLocalKey ); y++ )
nLocalKey[y] = static_cast<sal_uInt8>( nMD5Sum[y] ^ i );
if (rtl_cipher_initARCFOUR( aCipher, rtl_Cipher_DirectionEncode,
nLocalKey, SECUR_128BIT_KEY, nullptr, 0 ) //destination data area, on init can be NULL
!= rtl_Cipher_E_None)
bSuccess = false;
rtl_cipher_encodeARCFOUR( aCipher, &io_rOValue[0], sal_Int32(io_rOValue.size()), // the data to be encrypted
&io_rOValue[0], sal_Int32(io_rOValue.size()) ); // encrypted data, can be the same as the input, encrypt "in place"
//step 8, store in class data member
bSuccess = false;
bSuccess = false;
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