Kaydet (Commit) 0ad5604c authored tarafından David Tardon's avatar David Tardon

fdo#82144 fix unpacking of additional tarballs

Change-Id: I74a61005fa9534b3f96cd392c6e38c54c5fd35e1
üst c625525d
......@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ if test -z "$start_dir" ; then
echo "Error: Please, define where to unpack sources, try --help"
if ! test -f $start_dir/Repository.mk -a -f $start_dir/solenv/inc/target.mk ; then
if ! test -f $start_dir/Repository.mk ; then
echo "Error: $start_dir is not a valid LibreOffice core source directory"
exit 1;
......@@ -74,8 +74,12 @@ for tarball in $tarballs ; do
echo "Unpacking $tarname..."
echo tar -xf "$tarball" -C "$lo_src_dir"
if ! tar -xf "$tarball" -C "$lo_src_dir"; then
echo mkdir -p "$lo_src_dir/$tarname"
if ! mkdir -p "$lo_src_dir/$tarname" ; then
echo "Error: could not create directory $lo_src_dir/$tarname"
echo tar -xf "$tarball" -C "$lo_src_dir/$tarname" --strip-components=1
if ! tar -xf "$tarball" -C "$lo_src_dir/$tarname" --strip-components=1; then
echo "Error: could not unpack $tarname"
exit 1
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