Kaydet (Commit) 0a4c1ed2 authored tarafından Olivier's avatar Olivier Kaydeden (comit) Gerrit Code Review

Updated core

Project: help  65af088bf1a712cd234e0e97e2820c44f6327f81

Better wording for title pages help page

Change-Id: Idb7643131803708206c04382d7b2520610216ad1
Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/32780Reviewed-by: 's avatarOlivier Hallot <olivier.hallot@edx.srv.br>
Tested-by: 's avatarOlivier Hallot <olivier.hallot@edx.srv.br>
üst 29f69771
helpcontent2 @ 65af088b
Subproject commit d2ff85a3942838ae72e4d7abced5e94e6d275225
Subproject commit 65af088bf1a712cd234e0e97e2820c44f6327f81
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