Kaydet (Commit) 095ca2a2 authored tarafından jan iversen's avatar jan iversen

genlang, .xrm ==> .pot works identical

The conversion from .xrm to .pot is now identical

Missings are adding the POT_CREATE_DATE timestamp
and generate the KID.

Change-Id: I421f0451b896c447767a32945ab82a8adc84fc7a
üst 283cdcf9
......@@ -162,6 +162,7 @@ void convert_po::startSave(const string& sName,
ostream outFile(&outBuffer);
// Set license header
//FIX JAN POT-Creation-Date
outFile << "#. extracted from " << sName << endl
<< "msgid \"\"" << endl
<< "msgstr \"\"" << endl
......@@ -197,14 +198,16 @@ void convert_po::save(const string& sFileName,
newPos = sFileName.find_last_of("/\\", sFileName.length());
sName = sFileName.substr(newPos + 1, sFileName.length());
outFile << "#. xxxxx" << endl
outFile << endl
<< "#. xxxxx" << endl
<< "#: " << sName << endl
<< "msgctxt \"\"" << endl
<< "\"" << sName << "\\n\"" << endl
<< "\"" << sKey << "\\n\"" << endl;
<< "\"" << sKey << "\\n\"" << endl
<< "\"readmeitem.text\"" << endl;
if (bFuzzy)
outFile << "#, fuzzy" << endl;
outFile << "msgid \"" << sENUStext << "\"" << endl
outFile << "msgid \"" << sENUStext << "\"" << endl
<< "msgstr \"" << sText << "\"" << endl;
......@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ void convert_xrm::setLang(char *yytext)
string& sText = copySource(yytext, mbNoCollectingData);
string sLang;
int nL, nE;
int nL, nE;
if (mbIsTag) {
......@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ class l10nMem_enus_entry
// convert key to upper case
msKey = sKey;
//FIX l10nMem::keyToUpper(msKey);
~l10nMem_enus_entry() {};
......@@ -85,7 +85,6 @@ SP [ \t]*
"<title " |
"<h"[0-9]" " |
"<p " {
......@@ -93,7 +92,6 @@ SP [ \t]*
"</title>"[ \t\r]*[\n] |
"</h"[0-9]">"[ \t\r]*[\n] |
"</p>"[ \t\r]*[\n] {
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