Kaydet (Commit) 04f02fae authored tarafından Peter Foley's avatar Peter Foley

Make sure merged libs are 0 bytes long.

If you build with --disable-mergelibs and then enable
--enable-mergelibs the existing library has its timestamp updated
but it retains its outdated contents.

Change-Id: I46899bcf3fe4f360fb12e8de8842c6ac12c6bf75
üst a2747d07
......@@ -445,7 +445,7 @@ endef
# If object files from this library are merged, create just empty file
$(call gb_LinkTarget_get_target,%) : $(call gb_LinkTarget_get_headers_target,%) $(gb_Helper_MISCDUMMY)
$(if $(filter $*,$(foreach lib,$(gb_MERGEDLIBS),$(call gb_Library_get_linktargetname,$(lib)))), \
touch $@, $(call gb_LinkTarget__command,$@,$*))
echo > $@, $(call gb_LinkTarget__command,$@,$*))
$(call gb_LinkTarget__command_objectlist,$@,$*)
ifeq ($(gb_FULLDEPS),$(true))
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