Kaydet (Commit) 04645273 authored tarafından Saurav Chirania's avatar Saurav Chirania Kaydeden (comit) Markus Mohrhard

uitest: interpreter for log files

this file interprets the following grammar:
<keyword> <object_description> [<parameters>]

where keyword describes about the UIObject the user interacts with
object_description tells the ID, parent, etc. of the UIObject
and parameters are the parameters of the action user performs
in a format directly readable by mkPropertyValues

keyword examples - ModalDialogExecuted, ButtonUIObject
parameter examples - {"TEXT":"A"}, {"POS": 1}, etc.

Line-by-line, this interpreter tries to convert given
log into python code. An example can be found at-

Change-Id: Iade4388b16094a94df1893f9925605bee51b164f
Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/56120Reviewed-by: 's avatarMarkus Mohrhard <markus.mohrhard@googlemail.com>
Tested-by: 's avatarMarkus Mohrhard <markus.mohrhard@googlemail.com>
üst b691e582
# -*- tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; py-indent-offset: 4 -*-
# This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
import os
import sys
def usage():
message = "usage: {program} inputfile outputfile"
print(message.format(program = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])))
def parse_line(line):
This function parses a line from log file
and returns the parsed values as a python dictionary
if (line == "" or line.startswith("Action on element")):
dict = {}
if "{" in line:
start_index_of_parameters = line.find("{")
end_index_of_parameters = line.find("}") + 1
parameters = line[start_index_of_parameters:end_index_of_parameters]
dict["parameters"] = parameters
line = line[:start_index_of_parameters-1]
word_list = line.split()
dict["keyword"] = word_list[0]
for index in range(1,len(word_list)):
key, val = word_list[index].split(":",1)
dict[key] = val
return dict
def parse_args(argv):
This function parses the command-line arguments
to get the input and output file details
if len(argv) != 3:
input_address = argv[1]
output_address = argv[2]
return input_address, output_address
def get_log_file(input_address):
with open(input_address) as f:
content = f.readlines()
except IOError as err:
print("IO error: {0}".format(err))
content = [x.strip() for x in content]
return content
def initiate_test_generation(address):
f = open(address,"w")
except IOError as err:
print("IO error: {0}".format(err))
initial_text = \
"from uitest.framework import UITestCase\n" + \
"import importlib\n\n" + \
"class TestClass(UITestCase):\n" + \
" def test_function(self):\n"
return f
def get_coupling_type(line1, line2):
This function checks if two consecutive lines of log file
refer to the same event
action_dict1 = parse_line(line1)
action_dict2 = parse_line(line2)
if action_dict1["keyword"] == "CommandSent" and \
action_dict2["keyword"] == "ModalDialogExecuted":
elif action_dict1["keyword"] == "CommandSent" and \
action_dict2["keyword"] == "ModelessDialogExecuted":
return "NOT_A_COUPLE"
def get_test_line_from_one_log_line(log_line):
action_dict = parse_line(log_line)
test_line = " "
if action_dict["keyword"].endswith("UIObject"):
parent = action_dict["Parent"]
if (parent != ""):
test_line += \
action_dict["Id"] + " = " + parent + ".getChild(\"" + \
action_dict["Id"] + "\")\n " + \
action_dict["Id"] + ".executeAction(\"" + \
action_dict["Action"] + "\""
if "parameters" in action_dict:
test_line += ", mkPropertyValues(" + \
action_dict["parameters"] + "))\n"
test_line += ",tuple())\n"
return test_line
return ""
def get_test_line_from_two_log_lines(log_line1,log_line2):
coupling_type = get_coupling_type(log_line1, log_line2)
action_dict1 = parse_line(log_line1)
action_dict2 = parse_line(log_line2)
test_line = " "
if coupling_type == "COMMAND_MODAL_COUPLE":
test_line += \
"self.ui_test.execute_dialog_through_command(\"" + \
action_dict1["Name"] + "\")\n " + \
action_dict2["Id"] + " = self.xUITest.getTopFocusWindow()\n"
elif coupling_type == "COMMAND_MODELESS_COUPLE":
test_line += \
"self.ui_test.execute_modeless_dialog_through_command(\"" + \
action_dict1["Name"] + "\")\n " + \
action_dict2["Id"] + " = self.xUITest.getTopFocusWindow()\n"
return test_line
def main():
input_address, output_address = parse_args(sys.argv)
log_lines = get_log_file(input_address)
output_stream = initiate_test_generation(output_address)
line_number = 0
while line_number < len(log_lines):
if line_number == len(log_lines)-1 or \
get_coupling_type(log_lines[line_number],log_lines[line_number + 1]) == "NOT_A_COUPLE":
test_line = get_test_line_from_one_log_line(log_lines[line_number])
line_number += 1
test_line = get_test_line_from_two_log_lines(log_lines[line_number],log_lines[line_number + 1])
line_number += 2
if __name__ == '__main__':
# vim: set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab:
\ No newline at end of file
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