Kaydet (Commit) 01ec047b authored tarafından László Németh's avatar László Németh Kaydeden (comit) Tor Lillqvist

fdo#75109 librelogo: fix localized procedures

Change-Id: Ia6edb02b871a41828758ba5fd5376c811c4084cc
üst 83d0a8ad
......@@ -1607,11 +1607,16 @@ def __compil__(s):
if len(subnames) > 0:
globs = "global %s" % ", ".join(subnames)
# search user functions (function calls with two or more arguments need explicite Python parentheses)
ends = __l12n__(_.lng)["END"] # support multiple names of "END"
firstend = ends.split("|")[0]
s = re.sub(r"(?<!:)\b(?:%s)\b" % ends, firstend, s)
__l12n__(_.lng)["END"] = firstend
functions += [ re.findall("(?u)\w+",i[0])[0] for i in re.findall(r"""(?iu)(?<=__def__ )([^\n]*)\n # beginning of a procedure
(?:[^\n]*(?<!\b(%(END)s))\n)* # 0 or more lines (not END)
[^\n]*\b(?:%(OUTPUT)s)\b[^\n]*\n # line with OUTPUT (functions = procedures with OUTPUT)
(?:[^\n]*(?<!\b(?:%(END)s))\n)* # 0 or more lines (not END)
[ \t]*\b(?:%(END)s)\b""" % __l12n__(_.lng), s, re.X) ] # final END (XXX multiple names of "END" doesn't supported)
[ \t]*\b(?:%(END)s)\b""" % __l12n__(_.lng), s, re.X) ]
__l12n__(_.lng)["END"] = ends
# add line breaks before procedure calls
procedures = set(subnames) - set(functions)
if len(procedures) > 0:
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