Kaydet (Commit) 009b10ef authored tarafından Caolán McNamara's avatar Caolán McNamara

gtk3: implement CTRL_FRAME

Change-Id: Icf9d7703c8a82f1e7b178ea75a66861c01f58800
üst 926392de
......@@ -82,6 +82,8 @@ private:
static GtkStyleContext *mpListboxStyle;
static GtkStyleContext *mpListboxButtonStyle;
static GtkStyleContext *mpNoteBookStyle;
static GtkStyleContext *mpFrameInStyle;
static GtkStyleContext *mpFrameOutStyle;
static Rectangle NWGetScrollButtonRect( ControlPart nPart, Rectangle aAreaRect );
static Rectangle NWGetSpinButtonRect( ControlPart nPart, Rectangle aAreaRect);
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