• Michael Stahl's avatar
    reportdesign: split up ORptFilter::CreateContext() · 2bda2100
    Michael Stahl yazdı
    This was handling XML elements at 3 different levels; add some more
    context classes to handle the nesting better.
    There was one tricky case: the ORptExport::exportContainer()
    can export a office:report element inside office:body
    inside report:sub-document, but i don't know how to
    create a report like that.
    This was previously handled on import via the fallback to
    SvXMLImportContext (created for office:body) calling
    ORptFilter::CreateContext(), but now it needs explicit handling
    in OXMLSubDocument::CreateChildContext_().
    Change-Id: I839986599b2b936f57bb65da355ac1be811fe999