• Stephan Bergmann's avatar
    Harmonize SalPrinterQueueInfo::mnJobs and QueueInfo::mnJobs · a7521570
    Stephan Bergmann yazdı
    The former was of type sal_uLong while the latter has been of (potentially
    smaller) type sal_uInt32 ever since at least
    a02e8af5 "INTEGRATION: CWS hedaburemove01", and
    Printer::GetQueueInfo (vcl/source/gdi/print.cxx) assigns from the former to the
    latter (so potentially truncates).
    But it appears the only non-zero values ever stored in the former are
    QUEUE_JOBS_DONTKNOW (defined as 0xFFFFFFFF in include/vcl/prntypes.hxx, fitting
    into sal_uInt32) and Windows-specific PRINTER_INFO_2W::cJobs (in
    WinSalInstance::GetPrinterQueueState, vcl/win/gdi/salprn.cxx), which is of
    Windows type DWORD, i.e., unsigned 32-bit, compatible with sal_uInt32.
    So change the former (and QUEUE_JOBS_DONTKNOW) to sal_uInt32, too.
    Change-Id: I0cc993d26831313b362cc31ee06fd879c854d146
    Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/67468
    Tested-by: Jenkins
    Reviewed-by: 's avatarStephan Bergmann <sbergman@redhat.com>
IwyuFilter_include.yaml 21.5 KB