• Eike Rathke's avatar
    handle overwriting of symbols/opcodes in symbol map for known cases · f551477a
    Eike Rathke yazdı
    This silences the SAL_WARN_IF like
    OpCodeMap::putOpCode: reusing OpCode 161,
    replacing '_xlfn.ORG.OPENOFFICE.ERRORTYPE' with 'ERRORTYPE'
    in English map 0x1018000
    that occurred during the first load of OOXML .xlsx documents since the
    old bad entries were added with commit
    In fact the direction opcode -> string was replaced, which it should had
    not. That specific mapping is only used though when loading msoxl
    namespace formulas from ODF.
    Also, the replacement of parameter separator and array column and row
    separator worked merely by chance, depending on in which order the
    entries where inserted to the hash map. Fixed along as it popped up with
    the new handling.
    Change-Id: I88017a8b38ccc30874c3dca7d78f0fa47a77a36f
FormulaCompiler.cxx 84.9 KB