• Julien Nabet's avatar
    tdf#121092: synchronize defaults for ODBC settings · f33eb08a
    Julien Nabet yazdı
    The defaults for EnableSQL92Check, PreferDosLikeLineEnds, RespectDriverResultSetType
    in connectivity/registry/odbc/org/openoffice/Office/DataAccess/Drivers.xcu made
    consistent with respective defaults in ODatabaseModelImpl::getDefaultDataSourceSettings
    When inconsistent, the settings don't ever get written to the ODB's
    content.xml (likely they are filtered out as default at different levels).
    This change allows the non-default to be written. Since the defaults in
    ODatabaseModelImpl::getDefaultDataSourceSettings are there at least since
    2006 (commit 0eb02629), so that in any
    existing ODB the settings are absent if they are equal to those defaults,
    they are not changed.
    Change-Id: I220336fae666554c1bc23c1915152515fefd18ce
    Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/68979Reviewed-by: 's avatarMike Kaganski <mike.kaganski@collabora.com>
    Tested-by: 's avatarMike Kaganski <mike.kaganski@collabora.com>
Drivers.xcu 9.83 KB