• Tor Lillqvist's avatar
    Add a view-only iOS test app using tiled rendering · 48f625b8
    Tor Lillqvist yazdı
    I had to add some horrible hacks to make sure the test doc has been
    loaded into a Writer shell before retrieving its size and being able
    to render it. Obviously some better solution is needed. But this is
    just a testbed to get some profiling data.
    The app is built using an Xcode project, and in gbuild through a
    custom target based on the MobileLibreOffice one. Setting up the
    various files used (or not used...) at run-time should really be
    factored out from the CustomTarget files.
    Change-Id: I1711b0cae9d28a09b73476b2d37d98b1820c9943
Module_ios.mk 615 Bytes