• Mike Kaganski's avatar
    Fix empty capture group reference · e9ab8ed3
    Mike Kaganski yazdı
    Searching for something like (foo)|(bar) and replacing with $1$2 would fail
    assertion in appendCopy in include/rtl/ustrbuf.hxx, because beginIndex is
    negative (-1), because one of the references is always empty (SearchResult
    at TextSearch::ReplaceBackReferences() has both startOffset and startOffset
    equal to -1).
    In this case, we should simply return an empty string.
    Change-Id: Ibf91b1d17ab21c279cfcdc31e84d0c2eae567a53
    Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/62248
    Tested-by: Jenkins
    Reviewed-by: 's avatarMike Kaganski <mike.kaganski@collabora.com>
textsearch.cxx 12.7 KB