• Stephan Bergmann's avatar
    Fixes for new-style com.sun.star.chart2.FormattedString service · ed0646e5
    Stephan Bergmann yazdı
    ...changed from old-style with 5d1ad167
    "fdo#46808 Convert chart2::FormattedString service to new style."  The
    CharacterProperties* services dropped there are property-only old-style
    services, so only serve documentation purposes anyway.  Ideally, the new-style
    service would offer interface attributes for the relevant properties (and likely
    not implement XPropertySet at all), but so be it for now...
    Change-Id: I0dd0373cfd372f2320204eb953acce9a2b9e86d2
XFormattedString2.idl 1.91 KB