• Miklos Vajna's avatar
    desktop: enable CppunitTest_desktop_lib only on Linux · ac882c30
    Miklos Vajna yazdı
    Since the test would fail to link on Windows, due to
    ifeq ($(GUIBASE),unx)
    $(eval $(call gb_Library_add_exception_objects,sofficeapp,\
        desktop/source/lib/init \
    in Library_sofficeapp.mk. Given that
    CppunitTest_libreofficekit_tiledrendering is marked as Linux-only as
    well, be consistent and have this test as Linux-only, too.
    Change-Id: I6c8884398eba5dcf8a74c9cdc96c869b6108fb7e
Module_desktop.mk 3.14 KB