• Stephan Bergmann's avatar
    New cppu::defaultBootstrap_InitialComponentContext implementation · c2fd9b53
    Stephan Bergmann yazdı
    ...that no longer uses XSimpleRegistry structures for the service data and thus
    is potentially more performant.
    * Registry-based functions from cppuhelper/bootstrap are deprecated now, client
      code should always use defaultBootstrap_InitialComponentContext.
    * References to the obsolete UNO_WRITERDB have been removed.
    * Some of the functions in cppuhelper/source that are used from multiple .cxx
      but had not been properly placed into .hxx have been cleaned up.
    * css.lang.ServiceManager XSet insert/remove now support special
      sequence<NamedValue> to improve live deployment/removal of XML-based extension
      components data.
    * 09524d41 "stoc: accelerate opening of multiple
      XML .rdb files in a directory" and its follow-up
      cb5c881a "avoid using the new rdb reading
      logic for empty/non-existent directories" have been obsoleted by this change
      and have been reverted again.
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