• Tomaž Vajngerl's avatar
    tdf#83257 [API-CHANGE] Pivot chart implementation · 9009663d
    Tomaž Vajngerl yazdı
    This is a squashed commit of the pivot chart implementation.
    Some of the changes:
    - Add pivot chart specific (pivot table) data provider which
      provides the data from a pivot table to the associated chart.
    - When inserting a chart and the cursor is in a pivot table,
      in that case insert a pivot chart
    - Modify the pivot chart when the pivot table changes
    - Collect and set the number format for the values
    - isDataFromSpreadsheet check for the creation wizard
    - In ChartView (and VLegend) check if the data provider is a
      pivot chart data provider and get the pivot table field names
      to create the buttons on the UI.
    - Adds the functionallity to show a filter pop-up (from calc)
      when clicking on row / column / page field buttons.
    - Remove (X)PopupRequest as we won't need it.
    - Add ODF import/export for pivot charts:
      + Added loext:data-pilot-source attribute on chart:chart
        which is the internal name of the pivot table with which the
        pivot chart is associated with. If the element is present, then
        the it means the chart is a pivot chart, else it is a normal
      + Added service to create pivot chart data provider through UNO
      + Add new methods to XPivotChartDataProvider to create value and
        label data sequences separately from the data source, which is
        needed for pivot chart import
      + When importing defer setting the data provider until a later
        time when we know if we are creating a chart od a pivot chart
    - Pivot chart ODF round-trip test
    - Add table pivot chart supplier API:
      This adds the XTablePivotChartSupplier and related interfaces so
      we can access, create, delete pivot charts from UNO in a sheet
      document. With this we now distinguish between normal charts
      and pivot charts. This was mainly needed because we can't extend
      the "published" interfaces of TableChartSupplier.
    - Added an extensive test, which uses the API to create a new
      pivot chart when there was none, and checks that the pivot chart
      updates when the pivot table updates.
    Change-Id: Ia9ed96fd6b1d342e61c2f7f9fa33a5e03dda21af
    Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/36023Reviewed-by: 's avatarTomaž Vajngerl <quikee@gmail.com>
    Tested-by: 's avatarTomaž Vajngerl <quikee@gmail.com>
TablePivotCharts.hxx 2.5 KB