• Michael Stahl's avatar
    ODF import: workaround dubious draw:fill="solid" on frame styles · 68efa6f5
    Michael Stahl yazdı
    Since the gradient frame backgrounds were added in LO 4.1, we export
     fo:background-color="transparent" draw:fill="solid"
    Which doesn't make a whole lot of sense as this is really a "none" fill,
    and now with the backward compatibility stuff in the style import code
    we get the pool default color added when setting the BackTransparent
    property, and with the draw:fill="solid" it becomes visible and the
    background color is now Sky Blue 1.
    So try to detect draw:fill="solid" without draw:fill-color attribute
    and contradicting transparent legacy attribute and nerf it.  This way
    we also export draw:fill="none" again, although still with a bogus
    draw:fill-color but that shouldn't cause any harm.
    Change-Id: I1c2bea46ba7d9a3f042b875df0ca12c7f6037909
tdf92379.fodt 9.58 KB