• Norbert Thiebaud's avatar
    add utility script and build_env to avoid sourcing Env.Host.sh · cb70868b
    Norbert Thiebaud yazdı
    The goal is to able to do partial build without having
    to source Env.Host.sh into one's environment
    There is 2 way to use this:
    copy the scripts lo_find_src_root and lo_proxy_start
    somewhere in your PATH, and
    then you can add
    alias build='lo_proxy_start build'
    alias deliver='lo_proxy_start deliver'
    in your .bashrc
    at that point you can use build and deliver anywhere in the source tree
    without the need to source anything.
    This allow you to switch from one source tree to another.
    the proper SRC_ROOT will be determined automatically based
    on the current working directory
    source build_env
    build_env only source the bare minimum to allow build and make to work
    for the associated source tree.
    If you want to work in a diffrent tree, you need to resource
build_env.in 217 Bytes