• Maxim Monastirsky's avatar
    Toolbar popups need explicit deactivation · ab67543e
    Maxim Monastirsky yazdı
    ... if based on MenuBarManager, because unlike context
    menus, we reuse the same menu instead of creating from
    scratch each time, so that it suffers from the same
    "double activation" problem as in tdf#97665.
    Note that for GtkSalMenu the problem is only for the
    top level popup menu, as the Deactivate callback is
    properly called when sub menus are closed.
    The non-native case also had this problem, but only when
    closing the menu by selecting one of its items, and was
    fixed already in b41deb2e.
    Change-Id: Iee037f7baba0f80c32fb3a45f16511f8585c203e
salnsmenu.mm 9.41 KB