• Caolán McNamara's avatar
    Resolves: tdf#100097 dbaccess self-dnd depends on getting its own transferable · 73f84ab1
    Caolán McNamara yazdı
    on drop that it set on drag. It does some uno tunnel foo to drag the data it
    needs back out of it in some grotesque fashion.
    So we have to follow the same style of hackery as under MacOSX to detect
    on drop that there is an active drag started by ourself and so use that
    active drag's transferable as the source transferable for the drop, rather
    that use the intermediate universal GtkDnDTransferable.
    Change-Id: I3c3a94416db908603bde8f15dc5b1c9d726b8dbd
DragSource.cxx 10.7 KB