• Mike Kaganski's avatar
    Try to handle fonts orphaned from cache gracefully · b0203670
    Mike Kaganski yazdı
    ImplFontCache::Invalidate deletes unused entries (with zero ref
    count), and keeps other entries, but clears everything (including
    still used fonts) from its instance list. In the same time, those
    fonts' mpFontCache pointers kept pointing to this cache object.
    External clients released font instance by calling its cache's
    Release method; this itself allows for broken invariants that
    cache's mnRef0Count is equal to number of unused font instances
    in its list. Also, those fonts never got released, leaking because
    ImplFontCache only ever deletes objects in its list.
    What is worse, sometimes font caches get deleted after invalidation
    (see OutputDevice::ImplClearFontData). As the instance list of the
    cache is empty at the point of delete, the cache destructor doesn't
    delete those fonts that were orphaned at the moment of invalidation
    (those fonts are still used by some client objects, so deleting
    them is clearly wrong). But since the font instances still have
    cache pointer referring the already deleted cache, releasing the
    instances (by calling deleted cache's Release member function)
    must lead do some weird results.
    This patch moves the Acquire/Release to LogicalFontInstance, which
    now checks if its cache pointer is valid, and if it is, the cache
    is used to do the work (as before); otherwise, the font handles
    its lifetime itself, and deletes itself when its reference counter
    is zero. The cache invalidation clears the cache pointer of the
    still-used instances.
    Change-Id: I29811272dda814cbc81f14668d63e385ce772332
    Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/47111Reviewed-by: 's avatarMike Kaganski <mike.kaganski@collabora.com>
    Tested-by: 's avatarMike Kaganski <mike.kaganski@collabora.com>
outdev.cxx 23.3 KB