• Tomaž Vajngerl's avatar
    opengl: batch drawing of polylines · ce72e34b
    Tomaž Vajngerl yazdı
    To get polylines to draw in a batch it was necessary to refactor
    the polyline code to work with GL_TRIANGLES instead of the previous
    used GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP. For this and to make the code easier to
    handle a new class was introduced: LineBuilder, which purpose is
    to assemble vertices for a polyline (line ends, line joints).
    In addition we need to know the line width, anti-aliasing (AA) per
    vertex basis (in addition to color, normal and extrusion) so we
    can draw many polylines with one draw call. This info is now
    stored in Vertex struct which is used when drawing lines or
    triangles (fills).
    Uploading of vertices has also been changed, previously we
    uploaded the vertices with the drawcall. a convention in Modern
    OpenGL is however to use VBO (Vertex Buffer Object) for this.
    With this we can upload the to the GPU vertices independently
    and not upload them if this is not needed (which is currently
    not used yet). A vector of Vertex structs is now uploaded to the
    GPU using a VBO which is handeled with a new VertexBufferObject
    In addition to reduce the ammount of duplicated vertices, we use
    a index vector (handled by IndexBufferObject class) where we only
    define the indices of the vertex buffer which should be drawn.
    Change-Id: I49dc9c6260b459f4f4ce3a5e4fa4c8ad05a7b878
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