• Tor Lillqvist's avatar
    Use separate config_*.h files for BUILD and HOST when cross-compiling · c5b1441e
    Tor Lillqvist yazdı
    We have only been lucky so far that there hasn't been any compilation errors
    caused by using the HOST platform config_*.h files also for the BUILD
    platform. But as more and more information found out during configury is
    stored in config_*.h files, sooner or later it will be a problem.
    Move config/* to config_host/*. When not cross-compiling, the config_*.h files
    in config_host expanded from config_*.h.in are all there is. When
    cross-compiling, the generated config_*.h files for the BUILD platform are
    put into a config_build folder.
    Then use config_build when building the cross_toolset and config_host
    Change-Id: I3c28cc83866bffd696b45d00dfb68e00bc2ae538
config_telepathy.h.in 83 Bytes