• Marco Cecchetti's avatar
    lok: sc: ctrl-clicking links doesn't work · 96928bb7
    Marco Cecchetti yazdı
    I think there is no reason for not execuring the code below
    if ((bDouble || bIsTiledRendering) && .... ) { ... }
    for both desktop and online.
    So since the code for open the clicked URL is below such if
    clause, I changed the code so that we return only when it's really a
    double click event.
    Moreover I reverted back the code for executing the list validation
    pop-up to its original place, since there is no more the need to have
    it executed in two places.
    Change-Id: Idbec2e6e45cd7ee8282005169e1132a11d4cac33
    Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/54151
    Tested-by: Jenkins
    Reviewed-by: 's avatarAndras Timar <andras.timar@collabora.com>
ITiledRenderable.hxx 11.3 KB