• Stephan Bergmann's avatar
    Restrict UITest SAL_LOG_FILE hack to Windows · 35c4650e
    Stephan Bergmann yazdı
    ...where it appears to be necessary, as the subprocess.Popen in
    uitest/libreoffice/connection.py apparently doesn't manage to make the spawned
    soffice process send stdout/-err output to the python process's stdout/-err (as
    works fine e.g. on Linux).  (Only using that hack on Windows has the advantage
    that on other platforms output from the python and the soffice process will be
    properly interspersed.  On Windows, at least sal/log.hxx messages from the
    soffice process are captured that way, while its stdout/-err output is still
    Also dump the soffice.out.log content in case of failure.  (Note that, despite
    the file's name, it contains any sal/log.hxx messages from both the python and
    the soffice process.)
    Change-Id: Ic99a62b1abbe2fbbf98128a35203e2fd05335266
    Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/50620Tested-by: 's avatarJenkins <ci@libreoffice.org>
    Reviewed-by: 's avatarStephan Bergmann <sbergman@redhat.com>
UITest.mk 5.34 KB