• Michael Stahl's avatar
    sw: fix newly created document being modified · 5adc8ee3
    Michael Stahl yazdı
    After the document is created, an event is dispatched on the main loop
    that calls SfxPickList::Notify(), which modifies document properties.
    It tries to prevent setting the document to modified by calling
    SfxObjectShell::EnableSetModified(false), but Writer cunningly outwits
    it by simply having its own independent(?) modified flag that is set
    unconditionally in DocumentStatisticsManager::DocInfoChgd().
    Let's assume that if the modified flag shouldn't be modified in
    SfxObjectShell, it shouldn't be modified in DocumentStatisticsManager.
    Somehow in 4.4 and 4.3 the same thing was going on, but it didn't result
    in a visibly enabled Save icon in the UI, but with 5.0 it does - cannot
    easily bisect why that changed due to tdf#91383.
    Change-Id: Id30fd831eb29910c9fb44ed3031bf8da23586bea
IDocumentStatistics.hxx 2.32 KB