• Juergen Funk's avatar
    tdf#106942 Wrong message when lock file is empty or corrupt · 6ca3b364
    Juergen Funk yazdı
    1. Erase empty or corrupt lockfile, when reading it fails and
       skip "Locked Document Dialog" in that case
    2. Show Dialog (use LockFileIgnoreRequest -> LockFailedQueryBox)
       when create lock file is not possible.
       Two Dialogs:  "lock file create error" and
                     "empty lockfile is present"
       Set the document to read-only when creating lockfile is not
       possible. If lockfile is corrupt or empty, inform the user.
       They can interrupt loading the document or open it read-only,
       which also erases the corrupt lock file after closing
       the document
    3. Handling for the two Dialogs
       Use LockFileIgnoreRequst for create lockfile error and
       add a new LockFileCorruptRequest, (lock file is corrupt).
       Change and generate new messages for both dialogs in english
    Change-Id: I35c377f85b5113e8ffb89d83b9544b8ebc81d89f
    Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/36658Tested-by: 's avatarJenkins <ci@libreoffice.org>
    Reviewed-by: 's avatarKatarina Behrens <Katarina.Behrens@cib.de>
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