• Stephan Bergmann's avatar
    Use xmlDocCopyNode to merge nodes into different docs in liblangtag · 08ac75fc
    Stephan Bergmann yazdı
    ...otherwise, at least an --enable-dbgutil --without-system-libxml build will
    issue warnings at soffice.bin exit, as liblangtag merged together docs with
    xmlCopyNode (instead of xmlDocCopyNode) and xmlAddChild, and libxml2's
    debugXML.c xmlCtxtCheckName then stumbles over the merged-in nodes whose strings
    do not belong to the dict of the doc they got merged into.
    Change-Id: I5d7889670b897cbeb9ca8a555d8f2d770a8ee692
liblangtag-0.4.0-xmlDocCopyNode.patch 436 Bytes