• Stephan Bergmann's avatar
    Call SwTxtNode-specific part of DelFrms while SwTxtNode is still SwTxtNode · b75e052d
    Stephan Bergmann yazdı
    ...when SwCntntNode::DelFrms is called from ~SwTxtNode -> ~SwCntntNode.
    * SwCntntNode::DelFrms now needs a flag to distinguish calls from inside
      ~SwCntntNode from other calls.  bIsDisposeAccTable happens to already serve
      that purpose, so I reused it, but that may be a bad idea from a semantic point
      of view?
    * ~SwTxtNode is careful to mimic old behavior and only calls DelFrms_TxtNodePart
      if GetDepends() is true; no idea whether that's really necessary, though.
    * Shifting the work done by DelFrms_TxtNodePart from within ~SwCntntNode to
      before ~SwTxtNode calls ~SwCntntNode hopefully has no negative consequences.
    Change-Id: I1532b4cfef7fbf9ba82e64b919a08cbefa335421
ndtxt.hxx 31.8 KB