• Justin Luth's avatar
    tdf#117504 ooxmlimport: check paragraph props for actual style · 8920d865
    Justin Luth yazdı
    m_sCurrentParaStyleName sounds like a nice idea, and has been
    around since the initial fork, but by the time finishParagraph()
    rolls around, the chances that it is still accurate are rather low.
    Anything that contains a paragraph (like comments, textboxes,
    shapes, tables, flys etc) might have modified that value.
    This fix queries the current paragraph itself to see if
    PROP_PARA_STYLE_NAME is set, which it typically is by
    lcl_startParagraphGroup() except when IsInShape().
    If it isn't specified, then fallback to the previous result, which
    still may not be accurate, but at least it won't be a regression.
    It is too late in the development cycle to look into fully
    eliminating m_sCurrentParaStyleName. I hope to investigate that
    in the 6.2 development cycle.
    Change-Id: I124688d864f553dd5778b3593f511cc41d31c262
    Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/54085Tested-by: 's avatarJenkins <ci@libreoffice.org>
    Reviewed-by: 's avatarJustin Luth <justin_luth@sil.org>
    Reviewed-by: 's avatarMiklos Vajna <vmiklos@collabora.co.uk>
DomainMapper_Impl.hxx 40.4 KB