• Marco Cecchetti's avatar
    lok: sc: tunneling the ascii import dialog on paste action · 9233b154
    Marco Cecchetti yazdı
    Modified CreateScImportAsciiDlg signature so that we are able to pass
    a pointer to a dialog parent window to ScImportAsciiDlg.
    Now the execution of the ScImportAsciiDlg dialog in
    ScViewFunc::PasteDataFormat is asynchronous, both for lok and desktop
    case. In order to achieve this result it has been needed to modify the
    lifespan of some objects previously local to PasteDataFormat.
    Since PasteDataFormat returns a boolean, I took care to check how this
    return value is used. I found out 2 cases:
    1) in ScViewFunc::PasteFromSystem where it is used for popping up an
    error dialog box, informing the user in the case that the paste
    operation is failed;
    2) in ScGridWindow::ExecuteDrop where it is used for informing the
    sysyem window manager of the success or fail of the drag and drop
    The first case is now handled by a lamba invoked on dialog execution
    end. The second case is always handled as the paste operation was
    successfull (hoping it doesn't do any real difference).
    The asynchronous call and the behaviors described above occur only
    when the paste operation involves some kind of text.
    Change-Id: Id4f96180a9336f665a22a2441ea490af993431b0
    Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/53576Tested-by: 's avatarJenkins <ci@libreoffice.org>
    Reviewed-by: 's avatarMarco Cecchetti <mrcekets@gmail.com>
scabstdlg.hxx 22.4 KB