• Justin Luth's avatar
    tdf#97648 ooxmlimport: horizontal line's horiOrient · 610d98bd
    Justin Luth yazdı
    Although LO won't visually do anything with this property
    (because o:hr is improperly imported AS_CHAR), at least
    import and assign the property so that it is there for
    the future if o:hr is changed from AS_CHAR to AT_*.
    The unit test just adds a test for the existing status - to
    highlight what still needs to be fixed.
    o:hr probably ought to be AT_CHAR, with no wrapping. However,
    simply doing that wraps text the wrong way (always underneath)
    which seems to be a LO limitation of not putting preceeding
    chars above an AT_CHAR fly. So that's why I'm not implementing
    a change to AT_CHAR.
    Change-Id: I4aec99d3976c6d461715dba304cdf9ad98ab12b6
    Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/42440Tested-by: 's avatarJenkins <ci@libreoffice.org>
    Reviewed-by: 's avatarJustin Luth <justin_luth@sil.org>
vmlshapecontext.cxx 28.7 KB