• Eike Rathke's avatar
    partly revert 92a9b778 for ICU < 49 · 79a3c9b1
    Eike Rathke yazdı
    Re-enable build with ICU 4.6 and 4.8
    ICU versions prior to 49 don't know Conditional_Japanese_Starter and
    Also, the change in i18npool/CustomTarget_breakiterator.mk
    - -e "s#\[:LineBreak = Close_Punctuation:\]#\[& \[:LineBreak = Close_Parenthesis:\]\]#" \
    with i18npool/source/breakiterator/data/line.txt
    -$CL = [:LineBreak = Close_Punctuation:] ;
    +$CL = [:LineBreak = Close_Parenthesis:];
    did not produce equivalent results. Instead use
    $CP = [:LineBreak =  Close_Parenthesis:];
    $CL = [[:LineBreak =  Close_Punctuation:] $CP];
    Change-Id: I14fc14319ea34f23393264560452a79bb49fc3a7
configure.ac 418 KB