• Maxim Monastirsky's avatar
    tdf#36796 Status updates for custom shapes buttons · 74cc3fbc
    Maxim Monastirsky yazdı
    We're dealing here with 2 bugs:
    1. Single shape buttons (like rectangle, ellipse etc.) don't get
       the pressed state when active. The cause is that all commands of
       the same kind (Basic Shapes, Symbol Shapes etc.) are handled as
       one internally, allowing only one type of status updates. It used
       to transport the current active shape, but it was changed to a
       boolean value in the fix for i#41753, and since then used for
       the pressed state of the group buttons.
    2. The pressed state of a group button shows always, even when a
       user activates a shape from a place other than the drop-down
       of that button. But in this case the image of the group button
       doesn't update with the current shape, thus confusing the user on
       what is currently active. The cause here is that we use (since
       i#41753) the XSubToolbarController interface to update the last
       selected function (instead of the old-style status based update),
       and ToolBarManager notifies a controller about a new selection
       only if it was made from a particular toolbar that the controller
       claimed to use in the getSubToolbarName method.
       Since 7352a7c1 there is a similar
       regression for other group buttons in sd (like lines, 3D Objects
       and other), with the same cause. This is also fixed now.
    Change-Id: Ida074a001ff78bf5bd5bcb8151516daa6e27cbce
sdraw.sdi 139 KB