• Michael Stahl's avatar
    OFFICE-2102: ODF export: write <text:s> after non-mark elements too · 0451019f
    Michael Stahl yazdı
    ... and fix the wrong export for <text:meta-field>, which erroneously
    did not use the same bIsPrevCharSpace flag as everything else (which was
    obviously a bug, as there should be one flag per paragraph).
    Interop testing demonstrates that at least Word and Calligra Words
    differ in their interpretation of spaces following <draw:frame> and
    other shape elements, and <text:note>: if there is a U+0020 space
    before the element, LO will not collapse a U+0020 space behind the
    element but Word and Calligra Words do collapse it.
    The distinction between "mark elements" and "non-mark elements" in the
    whitespace collapsing implementation in OOo since the beginning was
    never explicitly spelled out in ODF, although listing the
    <text:bookmark> etc. elements in ODF 1.1, 5.1.1 was a strong hint.
    Fortunately all 3 applications agree that a <text:s> following a
    <draw:frame> is consumed as a space, and it is valid to write a <text:s>
    in this situation, so just do that to improve interoperability.
    Change-Id: I42260c0528db9fe7e87e8dbae5105aeadb83780d
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