• Stephan Bergmann's avatar
    Remove gid_Profile_Setup_Ini junk · bee4c09b
    Stephan Bergmann yazdı
    884bb65d "INTEGRATION: CWS native141: #i87732#
    version number in package names" removed gid_Profile_Setup_Ini and
    b857e461 "INTEGRATION: CWS native141: #i87732#
    version number in package names" removed its nine correpsonding
    gid_Profileitems, but 00de796b "INTEGRATION: CWS
    odfversion241_DEV300" brought back seven of the gid_Profileitems (but not the
    gid _Profile_Setup_Ini itself; probably due to a merge conflict; then
    fd1db0b8 "Undo basis/brand split: move
    program/classes/ from basis to brand" removed one of the gid_Profileitems
    again).  Now remove the remaining six.
    Change-Id: I464ac1258217b2ecf8e94b2c7e59b795306d5b06
profileitem_ooo.scp 4.56 KB