• Armin Le Grand's avatar
    tdf#116977 Correctly handle copy-construct of SdrTableObj · 015dd48c
    Armin Le Grand yazdı
    The new central CloneSdrObject in the case of SdrTableObj
    has to do some more stuff due to the UNO API TableModel in-
    volved and stuff. This is done in ::operator= now and thus
    will work uniformly now (multi-select and copy).
    At the same time there is functionality to clone/copy only
    a partial Table in Draw/Impress when e.g some Cells are
    selected. To reflect this code is needed to 'crop' the
    just cloned SdrTableObj to the current selection. This again
    was pretty hard due to side-effects in the implementation
    using a mix of UNO API and SdrModel-stuff.
    Change-Id: I9816e1caf34e29021d46d6dd9bb935c634f5ba2e
    Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/53975Tested-by: 's avatarJenkins <ci@libreoffice.org>
    Reviewed-by: 's avatarArmin Le Grand <Armin.Le.Grand@cib.de>
svdotable.hxx 11.1 KB